August 5, 2004

ST. LOUIS - Ten men from Sikeston were inducted at Jefferson Barracks on July 26. They were: Elmer Lloyd Oliver Jr., Charles Vincent Bollinger Jr., Wilford Howard Collins, Louis Elbert Turley, Tibert Gardner Canoy, Willis Hopper Grimsby, Dewey Odell Ramsey, George Washington Hagy, Elmer Joseph Compass and William Alexander Guess...

60 years ago

ST. LOUIS - Ten men from Sikeston were inducted at Jefferson Barracks on July 26. They were: Elmer Lloyd Oliver Jr., Charles Vincent Bollinger Jr., Wilford Howard Collins, Louis Elbert Turley, Tibert Gardner Canoy, Willis Hopper Grimsby, Dewey Odell Ramsey, George Washington Hagy, Elmer Joseph Compass and William Alexander Guess.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Phil Walman Jr., county clerk, reports a total registration of voters in Sikeston's eight precincts of 7,117.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - It's rodeo time and the August Daily Standard Calendar Girl Pam Layton is ready. A finalist in the 1984 Miss Sikeston Contest, Miss Layton is the 17-year-old daughter of Bonnie Clayton of Sikeston, and Larry Layton of Dexter. She will be a senior at Sikeston High School this fall. Following high school she plans to attend college and would like a career as a secretary.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Bridger Construction's softball team recently finished regular and postseason play with an undefeated record. Members of the team are: Kelly Bridger, Nichole Beaird, Kim Hopper, Heather Jones, Katie Lape, Elizabeth Burnett, Jennifer Smith, Danette Todt, Jennifer Hampton, Bethany Beal, Amanda Smith and Marcie Eaves.

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SIKESTON - Arrangements are being completed for the third annual Bonus Hill reunion. Those planning to attend are asked to bring a picnic lunch and beverages, lawn chairs, cameras and any old photographs (especially any taken between 1934 and 1974). If you lived in the Bonus Hill area between 1934 and 1974 and are interested in attending, contact Alene McConnell.
