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Why are we still sending food to the Taliban? Why are we feeding them before going to war? If we cut their food off, that's the best way we can hurt them. They're calling us suckers, cowards and everything. Why are we doing this? We don't need to be feeding them. No other country will do it.
You left the horoscope out of the paper on Oct. 1. Since I'm a very liberal Democrat, I don't know what to do without my horoscope because I depend on other people to tell me what to think and to give me help and aid. And since the horoscope's not in there, that just gives me nothing to do and no one to turn to.
After the Cotton Carnival Parade Saturday, they were selling some "God bless America" signs for the front yard. If the club still has any for sale, please put phone number in SpeakOut so I can call about buying one.
This is to the person who suggested the "Perfect solution." I have an even better one. After we take care of all the terrorist groups, let's take care of all the men who obviously believe as you do.
First I would like to thank the gentleman who suggested we send all the women on estrogen over to take care of the terrorists. At least he elevated our status from a doormat to bed partner and maid to something useful. There's only one thing wrong with his solution. We're used to dealing with men who have small brains and a large mouth on an every day basis, so we'd probably think it was just normal behavior for them and ignore it.
We keep hearing about school taxes and that school districts need more money from school taxes. I haven't got any kids in school but I pay big taxes. You see kids walking the streets every day on a school day. Every day you see them everywhere. They're all over the place. Why aren't these kids in school? I believe you should put a penalty on the parents for not sending their kids to school, and the only way you could do that is to make them pay cash for every day their children miss school. When I was in school and played hooky, you never saw any of us walking the streets because we were afraid the school board would send somebody to take us to school. These kids should be forced to go to school. The government needs more money for education and education is the best thing you can give kids in life. I think the parents should be fined for every day their kids are out of school unless there's a sickness or an emergency in the family. It makes me sick to see these kids all over town or shopping downtown and there's nothing done about it.
We have a patriotic thief in Sikeston. Someone is stealing flags from people's yards and homes and on Oct. 1, someone stole flags from churches on North Main St. I'd be careful about buying used flags.
On Oct. 3, I read an article entitled, "Hands off." To say that we need to borrow money from Social Security and it's only the Republicans' fault, I disagree. It is not the Republicans' fault. There are Democrats who would also like to give their salary to help in time of need. How can this country stand united if we have to blame everything on one party? We should stand together and try to fight this thing in any way possible.