
Mom's lesson may be a killer for teen

Tuesday, January 8, 2002

Lisa Marie Havens is facing 40 years in prison for a crime that involved no violence, no theft, no property damage. And in my opinion, 40 years would be far too lenient for the Michigan woman. Her crime? She taught her 15-year-old daughter and her friends how to inject heroin.

Some crimes are repulsive and some just plain dumb. Some defy the imagination while others bring cries of anger. This crime does all of the above. Lisa Marie Havens may be a biological mother but she most certainly doesn't deserve the title.

Police say Havens' home was used as a party house for teen-agers. Last month, police say the 45-year-old woman supplied heroin to her daughter and her friends between eight and 10 times. Like a good teacher, she was simply trying to teach the girls the proper way to inject heroin.

Lisa Marie Havens probably can never pay a price sufficient for this crime. Her own drug addiction or whatever her feeble excuse will be, cannot justify such an asinine act. She should have the opportunity to think about her stupidity for a very long time. Forty years is just a good start.

If you try to imagine what must have been in her mind at the time, you'll never find the answer. There is no reason under the sun for such criminal actions. Someday her daughter may well die from an overdose which would be the ultimate lesson from mother to daughter.

Parents indeed teach lessons to their children. Unfortunately sometimes those lessons are as sick as our society can muster.

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