SIKESTON - Miss Marie Steck is the new manager of the Sikeston General Hospital. She comes to Sikeston from West Frankfort, Ill., and has four years experience in charge of hospitals.
SIKESTON - Missouri Gov. John M. Dalton will be guest speaker for the Lions Club's first meeting of 1962 Wednesday. The noon gathering will be held at the Dunn Coffee Shop.
NEW MADRID - Gov. Christopher Bond appointed Fred W. Copeland 34th Judicial District Associate Circuit Judge Wednesday. The son of Missouri Rep. Gene Copeland of New Madrid, the new judge replaces John R. Bailey.
BENTON - The line is already forming at the Scott County Courthouse. A representative for one county office holder seeking re-election will stay in line from now until Jan. 14. County Clerk Bob Kielhofner announced the filing period for eight positions, and committee positions in each precinct and township, on the Aug. 4 primary ballot will run Jan. 14-March 31.
SIKESTON - There are many households throughout the Bootheel where the ability to read is nonexistent. Over 18 percent of area residents are unable to read a prescription label, directions or a job application form. In hopes of decreasing the area illiteracy rate, the Standard Democrat has started a program to help area schools use the newspaper as an educational tool. According to Pat Ellis, circulation manager, the Newspaper in Education (NIE) Program will allow elementary and secondary education teachers to use the newspaper in the classroom in a variety of ways.