Looking Back In Time

Wednesday, December 5, 2001

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Discolored by age and partially eaten away by rodents, a brittle copy of the constitution and bylaws of Sikeston's Ten Thousand Club was found among the office effects of the late M.G. Gresham, attorney-farmer who died her last month. As the same would indicate, the principal purpose of the club was the attainment of 10,000 population or more by or before 1920. The club was formed in 1910.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Tomorrow at 8 o'clock, the first presentation of the Little Theater's first production, "Witness For the Prosecution" will get under way in the circuit court room at the courthouse in Benton and all indications point to a most successful premier for the four-day-run scheduled for this famous play.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - A two-day Christmas celebration, including a dance, parade and the selection of Little Mr. and Miss Santa Claus, has been scheduled for the weekend of Dec. 11.

10 years ago

ORAN - Having been seeded sixth, the Richland Rebels came into the Oran Invitational disappointed. Puxico, the No. 3 seed, left the Oran gym Monday night with a similar feeling. The Rebels took the lead for good late in the second quarter, then held on to down the higher-ranked Puxico squad 69-56 in first round action of the 36th annual event.

SIKESTON - Do you have a few books over due? Well, now is the time to take them back to the Sikeston Public Library. Brenda Pounds and Barbara Love have set up the display for the second annual Fine Free Week. From now until Dec. 14, the library fines will be forgiven by returning each overdue book with a non-perishable food item. The food will be used in the Community Christmas Campaign sponsored by the Standard Democrat.

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