February 4, 2002

I'd like to say that one of our local community stores is in severe need of our help. Let's please join together in support at this time and help Kmart to prevent the folks who work at Kmart from losing their jobs and to keep this great store in our community. Help Kmart now...

~Call 471-6636

I'd like to say that one of our local community stores is in severe need of our help. Let's please join together in support at this time and help Kmart to prevent the folks who work at Kmart from losing their jobs and to keep this great store in our community. Help Kmart now.

John Ashcroft has taken so much money from Enron that he can't even investigate the company and the reasons why it ripped off America and assorted employees. It's time for a special prosecutor. And if Mike Jensen talks about it being time for campaign finance reform, there's something wrong with his mind.

I want everybody to come on over here and move into East Prairie. We're not going to bother you a whole lot. For instance, radios in the cars. Your kids can have the loudest radios they want. They let them things blare all hours of the night over here. That's no bother. On top of that, if you like loud exhaust, come on over here. You can have loud exhaust on your cars as much as you want. And if you like to drive and squeal your brakes, come on over. You can squeal your brakes all night long. You can rattle people plum out of bed with them. There's no city ordinance against you guys. Come on over to East Prairie, where everybody gets a good night's sleep.

As Americans unite to fight terrorism, let's all be thankful that Bill Clinton proved, with the military might what, he could do in Kosovo is now being done in Afghanistan. Thank you, Mr. Clinton, for leaving Mr. Bush a great military.

Well, here it is, Jan. 27 and I just saw on CNN News again where the government is going to have to take funds from Medicare and Social Security again. I don't know how many more times they can take money from our Social Security benefit funds. You never hear of the government taking money from their retirement plan or pension plan or the 401K plan. You never hear of the government taking anything from SSI or Medicaid because Medicaid and SSI are only a free ride - that's all it is. But they're always taking from Social Security, people who have worked all their lives to pay in and they're taking from Medicare, and Medicare really isn't all that good. It doesn't have very good benefits but it beats nothing. I just don't understand why the government can't cut into its own retirement and pensions. Take the money from there or SSI or somewhere and give us a break. It seems like every month they're taking something from Social Security and Medicare benefits are less and less. When is our government going to wake up and support those who have worked all their lives for what they have today? These people who have never worked take away from them.
