~In need of help
We have recently started a new church and have acquired the building for Victory Chapel Church, 120 Front St. (P.O. Box 843), Sikeston, Mo. 63801.
We are a non-denominational church and would like to invite anyone who does not have a home church to join us in our services. The first service was held Jan. 6 with Sunday school at 10 a.m., worship at 11 a.m. and evening service at 6 p.m. Wednesday night services are at 7 p.m. and Jack Hargraves is our pastor.
Being a new church, we are not financially strong so we are asking for donations or love offerings of any amount. You can be assured that it will be used for God's glory!
We are desperately in need of 14 eight-foot pews. If you have any or know of any, please contact Jack Hargraves at (573) 887-3219, Cecil Hartwick at (573) 683-2279 or Willis Oliver at 471-5280.
May God richly bless you.
Barbara Hartwick
Victory Chapel Church