Speakout 5/7

Tuesday, May 7, 2002

Call 471-6636

OK Sports Department, two days in a row, Monday and Tuesday, the 29th and 30th papers, no baseball standings. What kind of paper are you running anyway? Come on, get with it.

I am a patient of Dr. Dewayne Hansen. He is a surgeon at the Ferguson Clinic. He is a very good doctor and a very good human being. Dr. Hansen will take all the time you need to discuss your health problems. Very few doctors will give you the time that Dr. Hansen will give you as a patient. Dr. Hansen shows courtesy and respect and I believe he shows love toward his patients. I just want the citizens of Sikeston to know that we are losing not only a good doctor but a wonderful human being. Dr. Hansen is going to have to relocate to another state and I have nothing but great respect for Dr. Hansen. I am a patient of Dr. Hansen and has been a patient of his about nine months. When we lose this man, as a doctor and a surgeon, I believe we have lost a very important person and a very good doctor here in this town. I want to wish Dr. Hansen and his family all the luck in the world. It has been a privilege to know such a man and such a doctor as Dr. Hansen. We need more doctors like him.

I wonder if everybody who isn't on cable is having trouble with KFVS-12 in Cape Girardeau. The static is going off and I can't hardly get a picture a lot of times if someone in Speakout is having that trouble too. Not everyone can be on cable.

I was calling about Charter Communications. Recently they changed their MTV-X to MTV-J. I was calling to tell them this was a bad change in that a lot of people will probably be going to satellite over it. It is not very cool and it really isn't cool at all.

I 'm reading the Wednesday paper and I'm seeing that the lady name Carla Williams was named the VNA Hospice Volunteer of the Day. I want to say congratulations to her because this lady helped me last year when my mother was very sick and the rest of the family was unable to help me and my husband. She was very good and she was there for us. It is an excellent program and I wanted to say congratulations to this lady. I want to thank you what you did for my family. Congratulations, I'm proud of you.

Here it is, the first of the month again. As I sit at the kitchen table paying bills, an item enters my conscious and I wonder if the readers of Speakout could help me ease my troubled mind. What do these companies have in common? Charter Communications, Verizon Wireless, Southwestern Bell, Visa and United Cities Gas. The answer is that they all want you to write your account number on your check that you send them. I do that but it seems rather foolish. That is my question today to Speakouters: Do you write your account number on your check? Hope to hear from you soon.

Congratulations to the Dixie Players for entertaining us with "Hee Haw" at the Dixie Theatre, New Madrid, Saturday April 27. It was a funny evening.