I don't think I've ever been more ashamed of this community than I was following the Cotton Carnival parade Saturday morning. The amount of trash left from spectators is a disgrace by any definition. I've participated in or watched probably 40 Cotton Carnival parades through the years and never, ever have a seen such a display of trash.
What is the matter with you people? Are your homes like this or were you just not using the God-given sense you should have? If a visitor came to our town this weekend - and thousands did - they have left with an impression of Sikeston that may never be overcome. How in the hell could you do this to our community?
Since noon or so on Saturday, I have heard more people complain about the trash along Malone Avenue and Kingshighway. And every single comment has been a form of amazement at the caliber of people who would leave behind this trash.
I wish there was some way we could relive Saturday morning and issue tickets to the thousands of people who decided to leave their breakfast and soda cups along the parade route. Let's not even consider the cost to clean-up your stinking mess. Let's consider what type of person would conscientiously do this.
Let me tell you what you are. You are pigs and you are an embarrassment to this community or to the rock under which you live. You should be held to public ridicule and forced to apologize to the residents of this community in which you littered. And those pigs from Sikeston - and there's thousands of you too - you should seriously consider pulling up stakes and moving to some location where you'd fit in a bit better. Form your own community and litter your heart away. But leave Sikeston clean and attractive and a welcome sight for visitors and residents alike.
I'm both disgusted and mad at the parade aftermath. If this continues, I for one, would recommend that the American Legion seriously consider canceling the parade in the future. It goes beyond the litter, folks. It strikes at the heart of those people who care so little about the rules of civilized society. You may be too damn dumb to even know who you are.
I so wish that each of you littering slobs would be forced to return to your little pig pen along the parade route and be forced to pick up the trash you left behind. But you're too dumb to recognize the eyesore you created. And in your mind, I imagine that's the way you live and the refuse doesn't bother you.
Well it bothers me and it should bother everyone in this community. I hope this situation changes before next year. It will take us much longer to forget this embarrassing mess that you created.
Thanks for nothing you pigs!