September 3, 2002

I normally agree with your views, but today, you were way off. Missouri doesn't end with an "a". It ends with an "i". I just cringe when someone says Missou-rah. I'm glad that Matt Blunt finally set the record straight. You should set up a booth at the Cotton Carnival and have a "Southeast Missouri" survey. I think you would be disappointed with the outcome. I am a former Sikeston resident...

I normally agree with your views, but today, you were way off. Missouri doesn't end with an "a". It ends with an "i". I just cringe when someone says Missou-rah. I'm glad that Matt Blunt finally set the record straight.

You should set up a booth at the Cotton Carnival and have a "Southeast Missouri" survey. I think you would be disappointed with the outcome. I am a former Sikeston resident.

Mark Jackson Cape Girardeau

I am writing in response to an editorial that appeared a couple of weeks ago, "Secretary of state catches error."

It is true that a clerical error was made in the governor's office and two bills that were intended for veto were instead signed by the governor due to a staff clerical error.

However, it is not true that the Secretary of State "uncovered the mistake and huddled with Holden and his people" as your editorial suggests.

The governor's staff realized their error within 24 hours and immediately contacted the Secretary of State's office to determine what, if anything, could be done. Legal counsel from both offices concurred that because the deadline to act upon bills had not yet passed, that the governor could veto the bills as originally intended.

Working together, the error was fixed and poor legislation was appropriately vetoed because of it. As your editorial said, the mistake was not smart. But admitting the mistake and fixing it was smart, and should be seen as a perfect example of how Gov. Holden continually strives to do what is best for Missouri.

Chris Kelly Assistant Director of Communications

While cleaning off my desk today, I came across your editorial of Aug. 14 about the start of school. It was on my desk because I have several times intended to pick up the telephone and thank you for writing it.

Being both a parent and a spouse of a teacher, the editorial had particular meaning to me. For 36 weeks every year (including countless weekend hours grading papers, formulating lesson plans and working on classroom bulletin boards), I see Sue pour her soul into her work, trying to find the right words and actions that will help her connect with 25 10-year-olds. I see her with little time of her own and usually a lapful of kids' work that has to be analyzed. If not graded for a recorded grade, to see if they comprehended what was presented to them. It takes a very special person to be an educator of children and I've learned a deeper appreciation for them people by being closer to the situation than many.

Without wetting on my soapbox, children are a direct reflection on their surroundings 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, I hear too much at home about less-than-desirable home situations that give some children little hope of growing up in a loving, nurturing environment that you and I enjoyed. Whether we're 7 or 47 years old, we're still living, learning human beings, only the 7-year-olds have a scary learning curve compared to us old codgers and need more guidance.

As you mentioned in your piece, school is a time to learn, to make lifelong friends and to savor, as it will change all to quickly. I hope that we as adults can pass that on to the younger generations so they can learn to make the best of it.

Again, thanks for the editorial. I get to hug one teacher every day - you just hugged hundreds of them in 16 column inches.

David Ziegenhorn
