June 30, 2004

What's up with all these pizza places advertising more cheese. More cheese in between crust, cheese in the end of the crust. Pizza has enough cheese Lueegi. What we want is more meat and more toppings. What ever happened to that good old Godfather's Pizza? They really piled on the toppings. I suggest everyone make their own pizza for a while. Then these places will get the message. Enough cheese, already!...

What's up with all these pizza places advertising more cheese. More cheese in between crust, cheese in the end of the crust. Pizza has enough cheese Lueegi. What we want is more meat and more toppings. What ever happened to that good old Godfather's Pizza? They really piled on the toppings. I suggest everyone make their own pizza for a while. Then these places will get the message. Enough cheese, already!

Mr. Kerry says this is the richest country in the world and that seniors don't have Medicare and retirement and all that? What's he going to do about it?

I need some old-fashioned handkerchiefs to make a quilt. If anyone has some you don't want, please call 471-7170.

To the person in SpeakOut on June 21, "Where did compassion go," I am a Christian and the world, the way it is today, doesn't speak well of anyone. But reading your opinion in the paper let me know that I am not doing enough for God as a Christian. To see this in the paper is sad. You shouldn't have to ask and I can't speak for anyone else, but from one Christian person to another, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

I am calling about the double killing in Charleston. I would like to say to the law enforcement officials that whenever an animal, such as this man, walks into a house and beats a woman and her child to death, why should there be a jury? Why should there be a judge? Why not just put them in the chair and be done with it. It was heinous, inconsiderate and evil. Don't give him a trial. Just put him to death.

In regards to the article about identity theft, as a consumer who occasionally uses a credit or debit card, it is prudent and responsible of merchants who request your identification before accepting a credit or debit card. I have been in stores where some customers feel inconvenienced and offended by the merchant's request. However, how inconvenient would it be for an offended person to discover a large sum of money taken from their bank account, or a large amount of money purchased on their credit card? Again, as a consumer, I encourage merchants to get your I.D. before accepting your credit or debit card. This is what they do to accept a check. This is one way to avoid identity theft and/or credit card fraud. I want to thank merchants who implement this practice because it was not mentioned in the article about identity theft.
