August 4, 2002

Remember when your 401K was actually worth something? Remember the Contract With America, when the Republicans asked for the removal of government regulations so businesses could grow? The next time we go to the polls, we will remember Republicans and George Bush's contempt for government capitalism has allowed corporate piracy to drive the nation to financial ruin. George Bush has never worried about making a mortgage payment or a tuition payment in his life. And that's a fact...

Remember when your 401K was actually worth something? Remember the Contract With America, when the Republicans asked for the removal of government regulations so businesses could grow? The next time we go to the polls, we will remember Republicans and George Bush's contempt for government capitalism has allowed corporate piracy to drive the nation to financial ruin. George Bush has never worried about making a mortgage payment or a tuition payment in his life. And that's a fact.

Don't people realize that the humane society is on County Road BB highway instead of County Road 480? I guess not. Please put this in SpeakOut because I am tired of getting animals delivered at my house.

George Hunter Raffety was a good man. He taught me the pride of farming and the dignity of farming. He also taught me that a common person can read and write legal workers. He showed me that in a contract with any company (even the phone company), you can mark out areas that you don't like and write in your own text of what you do want in the contract. And if you initial it and the representative of the company initials it, it is a contract. And that is legally binding. He was a wonderful man who taught lots of people lots of things. God rest him.

When you call the police department and tell them you know where a person is whose picture is on the Most Wanted list, they don't do anything. We called the about a girl whose picture was in there. She left the state and we told the police where she went to, but the did nothing about it. I guess KFVS-12 will do something about it.


Why is the Sikeston Police Department keep putting these Most Wanted pictures in the Standard Democrat. When you call and report where someone is, like I did (I told them two houses from where the person was actually at; I figured they could figure it out on their own), and that was two weeks ago and the suspect is still walking around in the street. Why are they putting the pictures in the newspaper when they are not going to get these people? The only thing the investigator had to do was go over there and watch them. That's a poor police department and why doesn't the Standard Democrat just quit running the Most Wanted because they don't give a hoot!

I would like to respond to "Fashion statement," talking about when someone was checking out in a local store and the cashier was wearing a scarf on her head. That person could have had the scarf on her head for a reason. She could be going through chemotherapy or radiation treatments. You know, the remark the caller made about the cashier looking tacky. It's none of your business and you're just acting childish.
