SIKESTON - In addition to the regular city council meeting, two public hearings were conducted Monday.
The first hearing was for the friendly annexation of the Hayward properties along North Main between the Trinity Baptist Church and Tanner Road at the request of the property owners.
According to City Manager Doug Friend, there is no expectation for the city to immediately extend services such as water and sewer to the properties because it is a friendly annexation. Residents can expect services to be extended to them in three to five years if the annexation goes through.
The city will receive written comments on the proposed annexation until Dec. 30.
The second public hearing was for the designation of the Land Clearance for Redevelopment District.
Following the hearing, a bill adopting the redevelopment plan and designating the LCRD district was read for the first time.
A second reading and action on the LCRD district bill are expected following a month-long period for public written comments.
In other city council business:
* Council members authorized a contract for a bond study for the 60/61 TIF District to the only company to respond to the request for proposals, PGAV of St. Louis, as recommended by the city's professional services review committee and city staff.
The city will be reimbursed for the contract which is not to exceed $11,000.
Tax Increment Financing is an agreement by which governments reimburse developers for city improvements with the additional tax revenue generated as a result of a development over a period of time.
As permitted under its development agreement with the city, Four Corners Development Company requested the city issue Tax Increment Bonds to refund the promissory notes which the city has been providing in lieu of reimbursement since the 60/61 TIF District project began in July 2001, explained Bill Green, director of the department of economic development.
The revenue projection analysis must be obtained for use by potential TIF bond purchasers before the bonds can be issued, according to Green.
* The Depot revitalization project contract was awarded to the low bidder, Lynnson Inc. of Poplar Bluff.
The total bid price of $99,078 is over budget by $25,782 and $32,028 more than the estimated cost of $67,050.
Originally, 69 percent of this project was to be funded by the Federal Highway Administration's Surface Transportation Program which offers a maximum of $50,574.45. The city's planned local match was to be $22,782.
According to the analysis of bids by John Chittenden, president of Waters Engineering, the higher-than-expected bids are due to market conditions for projects requiring a large number of sub-contractors working under a general contractor.
Friend said the estimated cost may also have failed to account for the prevailing wage requirement, which increases the cost of labor by setting minimum pay rates on government projects.
The Sikeston Cultural Development Corporation board of directors contributed $5,000 toward the project, according to Friend.
Councilman Mike Marshall said the Sikeston Jaycees have also been approached and are considering two donations of $10,000 each, one to be made this year and one to be made next year.
Officials estimated it will take two months to get all the required approvals and to have contracts ready for execution. They expect the project to be completed by next spring.
* A subdivision request for Maingates Condominiums Subdivision was approved by the council.
Tom Bridger, public works director, explained this subdivision is of the actual units themselves, providing legal descriptions for each unit so they may be sold individually.
The first floor will have 18 units and common areas and the second and third floors will have 20 units each, Bridger said.
* A bill creating a new zoning classification for offices was adopted.
The zoning will include more restrictions than current commercial zones, according to Bridger, "designed to be a little more aesthetically pleasing."
All existing zoning classifications are still in place, Bridger said. "This will be an additional zoning."
SIKESTON - City Council members adopted four bills to prepare for the transition to the Charter form of government during their regular meeting Monday.
The effective date for the ordinances will be April 2003, according to Linda Lowes, director of governmental services.
The bills approve changes made by taking existing city code and combining it with text bringing the code into compliance with the Home Rule Charter.
Lowes said the council can expect two or three bills amending the city code to comply with the Charter each month leading up to April.
Significant changes made by these four bills include:
* The council will be required to meet at least once per month instead of at their leisure.
* The new code allows council meetings to be called by the mayor or by three members of the council with 24 hours notice. Previously, meetings could be called with a six-hour notice.
* A quorum will be defined as a majority of the council instead of three members as it is now and a two-thirds majority will be required for emergency measures established.
* A requirement for council meeting minutes to be recorded in English and posted on the city's web site. A separate journal will be maintained for sessions not open to the public.
* The budget and budget message must be submitted to the council 60 days prior to the start of the new budget year, which is on or about May 1. Currently, the city manager is required to submit the budget for approval by July 1, the beginning of the city's fiscal year.
Additionally, council will be required to publish a general summary of the budget and conduct a public hearing for the proposed budget no less than 30 days prior to its adoption. The Charter requires the city to adopt the budget by June 15 each year.
The annual Capital Improvement Program will be subject to the same requirements as the budget.
With the Charter-mandated code changes, the five-year Capital Improvement Plan must be submitted to the council by the city manager six months prior to the new fiscal year, requiring "a lot of forecasting" by city staff for its preparation, according to City Manager Doug Friend, as they will be preparing the plan five months into the year instead of eight or nine. "It's going to be some best guesses put down on paper."
* Elected and appointed officers' oaths will include swearing to support the Charter rather than the laws affecting third class cities; and members of the council, municipal judges and municipal court clerks may administer the oath of office in addition to the city clerk.
* Council appointees to boards and commissions will now take the same oath of office as elected officials and appointed officers.