November 4, 2004

Annette Robertson, regent of the King's Highway Chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution, and Delilah Tayloe, curator of the Sikeston Depot, prepare a display for their Veterans' Coffee. The Coffee, sponsored by the DAR and the Depot, is set for 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Depot. The two are placing photographs from Charlie Company 1140th Engineer Battalion in Iraq around a Missouri flag which was signed by members of the company while in service...

(Tim Jaynes, Staff)
(Tim Jaynes, Staff)

Annette Robertson, regent of the King's Highway Chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution, and Delilah Tayloe, curator of the Sikeston Depot, prepare a display for their Veterans' Coffee. The Coffee, sponsored by the DAR and the Depot, is set for 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Depot. The two are placing photographs from Charlie Company 1140th Engineer Battalion in Iraq around a Missouri flag which was signed by members of the company while in service.
