November 4, 2004

Wednesday morning, Nov. 3. Yes, you were right. Real people do vote! I was just reading about what the teacher from NMCC did and I think it is terrible, but why was her bail so low? She comes from a wealthy family and that is just pocket change to them. ...

Wednesday morning, Nov. 3. Yes, you were right. Real people do vote!

I was just reading about what the teacher from NMCC did and I think it is terrible, but why was her bail so low? She comes from a wealthy family and that is just pocket change to them. If she was of a different color or social status, the bail would be much higher and she would lose her job, case closed. She will probably get a slap on the wrist and still be able to keep her job. If the citizens of New Madrid County let this get swept under the rug, they are really living in the Dark Ages. Take a stand and protect out kids, no matter how much they get on our nerves.

I just read the article about the 18 year old getting sentenced to 10 years in prison for selling $20 worth of crack cocaine. WOW! I am sure that sent a message! However, I doubt it will have any measurable impact on drug addiction in the Sikeston area. The War on Drugs has been a failure right from its inception. I really don't have a problem putting drug dealers in prison. However, I am always reading stories about violent offenders being released early and let back out on the streets. Inevitably they hurt or kill someone and then go back. I would hate to think someone violent will be released from prison to make room for an 18-year-old selling $20 worth of crack cocaine in a town that is so full of meth you can smell it from 10 miles away. This stinks!

I heard someone ask the question why 70 percent of inmates are black. Well I guess it's because they're the ones committing the crimes. Jesse Jackson says its the fault of the white man and his system. I don't remember forcing a black man to steal a car this week. And if a white man steals a car, I want his ass locked up too.

I just read your story on street myth and I say thank you to Judge Dolan and Paul Boyd. It's about time the drug dealers, makers and sellers start getting what they truly deserve. Drugs are ruining our neighborhoods and our town and I think it's about time we start taking our town back. Maybe Mr. Siebert should come live in one of our neighborhoods where his client's (only) $20 worth of crack does a lot of damage; or maybe work in our local Wal-Mart or gas station where his client thinks he can just take what he wants while the employees are busting their butts to make an honest living. I don't think he would like it if he was the victim of such crimes and the criminal got "just paper."

I am trying to find anyone who witnessed a two-vehicle accident at H and HH highways on Aug. 19. If you saw this accident, please call 471-8631.
