October 7, 2003

SIKESTON - If you've been thinking about serving on a city board or commission but haven't yet, your time may have come. With so many city board and commission members serving on multiple boards, an appointment to the Department of Public Safety Advisory Board was put off during the regular City Council meeting Monday to allow other interested parties to throw their hats into the ring for consideration at the suggestion of Councilman David Teachout...

SIKESTON - If you've been thinking about serving on a city board or commission but haven't yet, your time may have come.

With so many city board and commission members serving on multiple boards, an appointment to the Department of Public Safety Advisory Board was put off during the regular City Council meeting Monday to allow other interested parties to throw their hats into the ring for consideration at the suggestion of Councilman David Teachout.

Michael Harris, councilman for Ward 4, suggested this appointment may be a good time to try interviewing candidates as discussed during previous meetings, as well.

Council members did appoint Howard Gibson, a contractor, to serve a three-year term on the BOCA Board of Appeals.

The appointment was previously delayed as a qualified candidate was not available at the last regular City Council meeting.

In other City Council action and city news:

* Council approved a declaration of surplus items and authorized them for sale at public auction.

Items to be auctioned include: bicycles, stereos, air conditioners and other property recovered by DPS but unclaimed by owners.

Additionally, city-owned tools and equipment that has exceeded its useful life will be for sale. A complete listing of offerings will be published in the Standard Democrat.

The city's surplus auction will be conducted Oct. 25 at the Public Works Complex at 316 North West Street. Gates will open at 9 a.m. for viewing and bid registration with auction beginning at 10 a.m.

All items will be sold on an as-is basis.

* Rezoning requests were approved by Council for 814 Auburn from R-5 multiple family to R-7 condominium; for South Ridge Estates 7th Addition, from AG agricultural open space to R-1 single family residential; and for South Ridge Estates 8th Addition, from AG to R-1.

Also approved were subdivision requests for South Ridge Estates 7th Addition and South Ridge Estates 8th Addition.

Tom Bridger, public works director, said the South Ridge Estates additions are just continuations of the subdivision behind the Sikeston Motors-Lowes area east of South Main.

* Council authorized an addendum to the cooperative funding agreement between Sikeston and Miner for the Sikeston-Miner Convention and Visitors Bureau which removes term limits for Miner's representatives.

Linda Lowes, director of governmental services, said Miner Mayor Frank Tatum contacted Sikeston officials Sept. 9 regarding the change. "They do not have what they felt was a good candidate pool for the Sikeston-Miner Convention and Visitors Bureau Board," she said.

* The second roundtable meeting for Sikeston residents is scheduled for Oct. 14.

Mayor Mike Marshall said the first roundtable, held Sept. 15, was a success. "We hope this one will be as good or better," he said.

* The first day to file to run for the City Council is Oct. 21, according to City Clerk Carroll Couch.

Positions up for the next election are Sue Rogers' at-large seat; Jerry Pullen's Ward 1 seat; and Michael Harris' seat in Ward 4.

The last day to file is Nov. 18.

* Constituents of Ward 4 have a meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday at the BRI office on Malone near Cream Castle.
