October 16, 2003

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich is running for president. He's one of those remaining nine Democratic wannabes you see from time to time, each trying to distance himself from the others in their quest for the almighty dollar needed to fuel their national campaigns. Kucinich has no prayer whatsoever of making any impact on next year's election. He's the Gary Coleman of the Democratic field - an oddity in a necktie who will soon be forgotten as well he should...

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich is running for president. He's one of those remaining nine Democratic wannabes you see from time to time, each trying to distance himself from the others in their quest for the almighty dollar needed to fuel their national campaigns. Kucinich has no prayer whatsoever of making any impact on next year's election. He's the Gary Coleman of the Democratic field - an oddity in a necktie who will soon be forgotten as well he should.

Kucinich was in Missouri this week trying to launch his lame campaign. And if you'll just listen to his message, you'll understand much about the Democratic party.

Kucinich is anti-war, voted against the Patriot Act and wants to establish a cabinet level Department of Peace. He would abolish the death penalty in all cases, cut defense spending and provide virtual endless federal government handouts to any group other than the wealthy. He portrays himself as a maverick. In fact, of course, he's a joke.

But you've got to love a nation that allows people like Kucinich a national stage for their absurd ideas. If he's willing to put in the hours and the effort - despite the fact that he runs dead last in every single poll - then so be it. He wants to "out labor" Dick Gephardt, which would be pretty hard given the soul-selling Gephardt has done to gain the union political slush fund. Kucinich says he's an FDR Democrat - you remember, the one who created the welfare society that we're paying for today and tomorrow and forever.

While in Missouri, Kucinich said he would push legislation in favor of the family farm. But the Cleveland, Ohio, native has no clue what the family farm means. He just knows it sounds popular in rural America. Unfortunately, Kucinich was speaking in urban St. Louis at the time and his audience has the same level of understanding concerning agriculture.

Dennis Kucinich will be a minor footnote in the 2004 elections. He'll get far less votes nationwide than the other nameless and shameless hopefuls.

Look for Kucinich's name on the Feb. 3 presidential primary in Missouri. Don't vote for him of course. Just look for the name. It may well be the last time you hear or see of this Ohio spitfire again.
