CAPE GIRARDEAU - The third blast to take down the old Mississippi River Bridge in Cape Girardeau is scheduled for 6:30 a.m. Thursday, weather permitting.
Span 1, closest to the Missouri side, will be blasted this week. The Cape Girardeau Police department plans to close traffic within 1,500 feet of the blast at 5 a.m. Traffic will be permitted to leave the area, but will not be permitted into the area until the contractor has given the all-clear notice.
Traffic will once again be stopped for about 10 minutes. Road, water and air traffic will all be halted during the blast. The Emerson Bridge will be closed to traffic for about five minutes before and after the blast. All other traffic will be restricted within a 1,500-foot radius of the structure. After the demolition is completed and the contractor clears the area, traffic may resume.
"Because we are blasting close to the Missouri side, we are asking residents within 1,500 feet to leave for a few hours as a safety precaution," said Area Engineer Stan Johnson. "We've gone door-to-door to contact these folks; however, if anyone has any questions, please contact us."
Those wanting to view the blast are required to maintain the 1,500-foot distance from the bridge. Anyone wanting to view the blast can watch from downtown Cape Girardeau's riverfront park.