September 8, 2004

SIKESTON - Nearly 40 citizens were appointed or reappointed to the city's boards and commissions during the City Council's regular meeting Tuesday. All the appointments except for the SAHEC Council positions are effective Oct. 4. Linda Lowes, director of governmental services for the city, said it is customary for Council to appoint an alternate member to the board when a full member resigns or retires after filling the maximum number of terms, and to name a new alternate member from the applicant pool.. ...

SIKESTON - Nearly 40 citizens were appointed or reappointed to the city's boards and commissions during the City Council's regular meeting Tuesday.

All the appointments except for the SAHEC Council positions are effective Oct. 4.

* On the Board of Adjustments, William Whitson, formerly an alternate member, was appointed to be a full member to replace Murray Sullivan who has served the maximum two terms. The terms run for five years.

Linda Lowes, director of governmental services for the city, said it is customary for Council to appoint an alternate member to the board when a full member resigns or retires after filling the maximum number of terms, and to name a new alternate member from the applicant pool.

Scott Jenkins was the sole applicant for the board but Council members will look into a possible conflict and additional applicants before making a decision on a new alternate member.

* Council members selected three new appointments for the Board of Appeals: Sue Rogers, realtor; B. Scott Kiesling, appraiser; and Steven Steiger, Atmos Energy. The board's terms run for three years.

* Kenneth Barkett, of independent political affiliation, was reappointed to a four-year term on the Board of Municipal Utilities.

No more than two members may be of the same political party on this board.

* Council members reappointed Charles Myers to a new full term of four years on the Housing Authority, having completed an unexpired term.

Jeff Sutton was selected to replace Steve Sikes who indicated he was not interested in another term.

* Two new appointees were required on the Industrial Development Authority. Council members picked Anna Warf and Steve McPheeters to serve the six-year terms.

* Sue Rogers was selected to replace Terry Bryant on the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority Commission, with Bryant no longer being eligible. Rogers' term is four years long.

* For the Library Board of Trustees, Bob Depro was reappointed to serve a full three-year term after completing one partial and one full term. Jackie Cowan and Marilyn Barkett were picked as new members for the board.

* Ron Payne II, David Friend and Dawn Burton were reappointed for three-year terms on the Park Board and will be joined by Bonnie Dyer who was selected to fill the unexpired term of Jera Lincoln who resigned.

* Jim Burden was reappointed to a four-year term on the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Jim McClure was selected to replace Scott Jenkins, as Council members noted Jenkins' brother, Robert Jenkins Jr., is on the commission.

* Having finished partial terms, David Sloan and Jim McClure were selected for three-year terms on the Public Safety Advisory Board. John Harris was picked to fill the unexpired term of Sharon Merideth, who resigned, and Matt Tanner was appointed as a new member to replace Sue Marble who completed the maximum two full terms.

* The Rental Ordinance Appeals Board will have two new members, Sue Rogers and B. Scott Kiesling, to replace Jack Lopp and Bryan Snider who finished the maximum two full terms. Carolyn Tetley and Kelley Rushing were also reappointed for three-year terms.

* Two new appointments were required on the Sikeston-Miner Convention and Visitors Bureau Advisory Board. Council member appointed Steve McPheeters and Shad Old to fill the two-year terms.

* For the Tax Increment Finance Commission, Bill Mitchell and Robert Jenkins were reappointed to four-year terms.

* Larry Braden was bumped up from an alternate member to a full member on the Traffic Committee to replace Steven Arndt, who served the maximum two full three-year terms.

Thomas Hedrick was selected from the applicant pool to replace Braden as an alternate member.

Greg Walker, who was called to active service with the 1140th National Guard Unit and should be back in early 2005, was also reappointed as an alternate member.

* Keith Kirk, Jackie Cowan and Freida Cardwell were picked to fill three-year terms on the Sikeston Higher Education Center Advisory Council, which expire Dec. 31. Kim Heckemeyer was also reappointed for another term.
