SIKESTON - Trooper Lloyd L. Murphy has been transferred to Fredericktown from the Sikeston area after serving here for two years.
SIKESTON - All sophomores and their parents are invited to visit the senior high school Thursday. The guidance department, in cooperation with the student council, will give each student a copy of his class schedule. The open house will provide an opportunity for students and their parents to meet the teachers, who will be in their classrooms.
SIKESTON - Workers for Brown Construction Co. of Dexter took advantage of mild and dry weather recently to continue work on the $9 million expansion project at Missouri Delta Community Hospital. Future construction will include the erection of a drive-through canopy for patients who will be admitted through the front door.
SIKESTON - Members of the First United Methodist Church now have the opportunity to go to church in a new van which was bought with money donated by Imogene Ruth Albritton Mayer. Present for the receiving of the van were: May and Lorraine Lawrence, Faye Bledsoe, Geneva Lambert, Louis McRill, Margaret Joyce, Shirley Crites, Jay Heironimus, Rosemary Trigg, the Rev. Charles Buck, Homer Trigg, Allen Harris, Charlie Gardner, Jay Bledsoe, Bob Lambert and Pete Britt.
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BENTON - The 26th annual Benton Neighbor Day Celebration will be under way Sept. 2 and 3, sponsored by the Benton Chamber of Commerce. Festivities will begin at 5 p.m. Friday with the opening of the midway and registration for free attendance prizes at the Chamber of Commerce booth.