It is pretty discouraging to think that some of you idiots still try to compare President Bush and Kerry in any way. Kerry couldn't even have a debate without lying. He was nothing but a puppet who had memorized the lines someone else had written and rehearsed all week. He has no knowledge of doing anything. President Bush answered honestly and with knowledge because he has to deal with these issues daily and knows first-hand. Kerry hasn't even been in his so-called job in the Senate during his whole campaign. But I'll bet he's collecting his pay, though, don't you think? What has he done in 20 years there? He can't even vote most of the time. All of these senators saw the same intelligence report with President Bush in the White House. If they knew so much about what to do, why didn't they do it? Kerry even had to have a coach working with him to show him how to smile for the debate. What a laugh! Most people know how to do that on their own. Heaven forbid, he's definitely no leader. President Bush has a few more things to do than to primp for a speech. He has to run a country and everything else. All the primping and $300 haircuts in the world can't make Kerry look like anything. He's still as ugly as a pile of rocks.
In the first place, John Kerry and his wife are sloppy looking. So are Edwards and his wife. In the second place, John Kerry couldn't make a good president; he can't handle the problems we are having. He will only make them worse. Terrorism is here to stay. We at least have our nation secure so please don't make a big mistake and vote for John Kerry. He would only make our country a lot worse place to live. Look at Kerry and Edwards' wives? What do you see? Think about it, folks. They are all slobs. Bill Clinton left our nation in a mess.
This is just a short note from the world outside the U.S. borders. The entire world overwhelmingly views the Bush administration's claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as the most serious breach of trust from any American administration ever. That trust will be damaged even more if the American electorate returns Bush to the White House. The rest of the world will then push the responsibility for what has been done on all of us. We may think we are a great nation because we have the largest number of bombs, but there is no moral imperative to back up what we have done. We are either the laughing stock or the pitied of many who used to believe we were the hope of the world. The election in November will seal our own fate. The rest of the world will then decide if we are worthy of another chance. The Bible says, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" Perhaps that is a question for the entire nation. To continue to bury one's head in the sand only makes us parallel to Germany in the 1930s. Are we willing to throw away the light hope of one of the greatest nations on Earth because a few ignorant people have difficulty admitting they were wrong? The biggest mistake any American can make at this late stage of the game is to believe our fate is still in our hands. The rest of the world has already begun to move on without us. Their vision is of a world in spite of our arrogance. Like it or not, that's how it is outside our borders these days.
I wonder how a certain Public Safety officer have the right to represent the law in the following manner in which he did? At 1 a.m. Oct. 2, he left First National Bank with no headlights on, drove all the way to Burger King (still no headlights) and then had the audacity to pull over another vehicle. This vehicle had its headlights on, the driver used the turn signal and everything, yet this officer with no headlights on (which is against the law) pulled this other vehicle over. What kind of police force do we have? How can they represent our law while doing this in such a manner? I pulled to the side of the road and watched this all take effect. To me, the driver he pulled over appeared to have been doing nothing wrong.
You should call the Sikeston Department of Public Safety at 471-6200 and ask to speak with an administrative officer concerning this issue. SpeakOut is not at liberty to identify the DPS vehicle the officer in question was driving. Your conversation with DPS will remain confidential.
To the people in an apartment on Dorothy Street, I would like you to know that the police are watching you and your drugs will be cut short soon. You and your girlfriend are being watched.
I saw where our so-called conservative president is spending more of our tax money making a campaign trip and stop and disguising it under the deal of signing a tax thing in Des Moines, Iowa. That's ridiculous. No wonder we don't have any money and no wonder we're so far in debt. He will go out and spend without worrying about how he's going to get it in.