SIKESTON - Ernest L. Tongate, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Tongate of Sikeston has received his commission as second lieutenant in the Marine Corps, after graduating from Officers Training School at Lejeune, N.C., on Sept. 30.
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SIKESTON - Kiwanis of the Mo.-Kan.-Ark. district elected George W. Kirk of Sikeston, treasurer in the tri-state convention here Friday.
EAST PRAIRIE - Friday evening came the crowning of the Homecoming Queen Miss Nicki Ashlock, high school senior and daughter of Mrs. Patty Ashlock.
SIKESTON - The annual Style-A-Thon to benefit the Kenny Rogers United Cerebral Palsy Center in Sikeston has been scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 13 at the Kingsway Mall. The event started 11 years ago in Sikeston and has been an annual event with the exception of one year. Area hairdressers volunteer their services during the event to style hair, with client donations going to the center to fund its operation.
EAST PRAIRIE - During a recent PTO Open House at East Prairie High School, Wiley and Pam Allred reviewed their child's first quarter progress with Karen Hanor, American History teacher. The motto, "Where Attendance and Achievement Count," was stressed during the session.
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SIKESTON - The seven age division winners in the recent Sikeston competition of Punt, Pass, & Kick include: Chase Presley, 11-year-old; Tyler Nelson, 10-year-old; Chris Cota, 9-year-old; Eric Chappel, 8-year-old; Clay Hooper, 15-year-old; Ben Walters, 14-year-old; Mark Silverthorn, 13-year-old; and Doug Wiles, 12-year-old.