You gave 100%!
A heart felt thank to all the donors who sacrificed their time and their very blood at our Community Blood Drive at the First United Methodist Church on Thursday, September 27th!
You rolled up your sleeves to "give the perfect gift" your own life line!
The war continues in Iraq, crime is at an all time high-and gas prices well lets not go there! Its true there are so many needs and so much that needs to be done all over this world and not enough people who care! Nonetheless you care!
Our little corner of the world, the Sikeston Community never fails to step up to the plate and "do unto others what they would have do for them"!
You never know when you or someone you love may just need a pint of blood-or 12 pints of blood, but because you give, you join us in our mission to be sure its always there!
We exceeded our goal-because of you, like soldiers willingly shedding their blood-many will live on.
Come join us for our next blood drive, because help can't wait!
Freida Cardwell American Red Cross