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I overheard some of my Republican friends agreeing that they would support Rudy Giuliani, in spite of the fact that he is pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, pro-
illegal immigrant, and anti-gun, because they think he's the only one who can beat the likely Democratic candidate. My, my, how quickly their "Christian values" are compromised to make way for their desire for power.
I'd like to comment on the Love Patrol that appeared in the SpeakOut column. There seems to be an individual who has nothing better to do than criticize our East Prairie Police Department. I am thrilled that our police officers can show a human side to their job. I saw no harm in making the marriage proposal for the couple more memorable. In my opinion, this individual is doing nothing more than using SpeakOut for a campaign opportunity for his own political ambitions. However, being a fair and reasonable person, I challenge this person to come from under their rock and express their concerns to our mayor, city council or our new city administrator. These are the people that can get things done within our city. I would dare say that you will remain incognito rather than chance revealing your true motives.
I live in Bertrand and the people who live beside me, their little girl goes to East Prairie School. They don't pay tuition. She's running her mouth to my kids. My kids are complaining and so is the neighbor's kids. It's not fair to my kids or my neighbor's kids for her to go to East Prairie School and not pay tuition. So you know what Charleston, you're fixing to lose a lost of money. There's a total of nine kids fixing to be pulled out of school there. We are going to put our kids in East Prairie School. That's $5,000 a kid you are fixing to lose. I've called in, my neighbors have called in. We're fixing to call the State Board of Education and see if they can do anything about it.
I'm calling in regarding a chocolate Lab that I found at 226 North West. He's looking for his home. The dog is grieving to go home. He's an older dog. He's really healthy. He belongs to someone who has taken really good care of him. He came up to my house and I've got him here. My number is 475-9348. If somebody is looking for him, please call. He's a grieving little dog and he's wanting to go home.
Mike, this is ole Rocking the boat again. I Timothy I, 3 and 2. If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife. Nothing here about a woman pastoring a church. The same qualifications are set forth in Titus, 1 and 6. No mention of a "her." My Bible says it is the same yesterday, today and forever. It doesn't say that in 1900 or 2000 these writings don't mean what they say anymore. By the way to the writer who said I had a problem with churches. In the beginning it wasn't about how many prostitutes were in the churches, it's about a woman being qualified to fill the pulpit, which is not in Scripture. I've said my piece.