September 14, 2005

SIKESTON - Pickup days for the city's Fall Cleanup have been set. Each resident has two chances in one week to dispose of bulky rubbish. Monday and Thursday cleanup days will be Sept. 19 and 22; Tuesday and Friday pickups will be collected on Sept. 27 and Sept. 30...

SIKESTON - Pickup days for the city's Fall Cleanup have been set.

Each resident has two chances in one week to dispose of bulky rubbish. Monday and Thursday cleanup days will be Sept. 19 and 22; Tuesday and Friday pickups will be collected on Sept. 27 and Sept. 30.

Items must be placed on the curb or in the alley the night before pickup. There will be no return trips and no exceptions to this rule. Items are to be placed on the curb on cleanup days if that is where trash is normally picked up from or in the alley if that is where trash is normally placed for pickup.

Place items close together in one area next to the curb or the alley. Residents are urged not to place items they don't want disposed of near the pickup items as they may be taken by mistake. Sonny's Solid Waste, Inc. will not be held responsible for or replace any items taken if they are next to the curb or alley on pickup days.

All 55-gallon barrels to be thrown away must be completely empty as they are otherwise too heavy to handle without possible injury.

No construction, contractor, commercial or business waste will be taken during the cleanup. Carpeting, drywall, paneling, wood flooring, cabinets, windows and sewer pipes are considered construction waste materials and will not be accepted. Those who wish to dispose of these items may call Sonny's Solid Waste and pay extra to have them removed.

Items banned from Missouri landfills must be handled separately by Sonny's Solid Waste. As a result, pickup for these items is no longer provided for free and must be charged accordingly. Any resident requesting a pickup of chargeable items will need to call Sonny's Solid Waste at 471-2869 before their scheduled pickup day to schedule this pickup. Payment will need to be made at the office before any special items will be taken. Do not pay the pickup men or driver for this service as all requests for special pickups must be done at the main office. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Charged items and their prices are as follows:

Clothes washing machines, clothes drying machines, dish washing machines, hot water heaters, window air conditioners, gas or electric cook stove, bathroom commodes, kitchen or bathroom sinks, microwave ovens, household refrigerators and trash compactors: $10 per item.

Any of these appliances having a compressor cannot be picked up until the compressor is drained and removed. The compressor will be taken at no additional extra charge but commercial appliances are not included in the above prices.

Other special cost items are: Lead acid batteries, $1 per battery; and used oil, $1 per gallon. No less than five gallons per container or per pickup of used oil will be accepted.

Used oil must be in a plastic or metal container completely sealed so it doesn't spill. Absolutely no hazardous waste will be picked up. Addresses of residents requesting used oil pickups will be kept on file to track down those who put hazardous waste with the used oil.

Sonny's Solid Waste will not pick up any tires as they have been banned from all landfills in the state.

Also banned is all yard waste including: limbs, leaves, shrub trimmings, grass, Christmas trees and garden waste. Any resident that needs to dispose of yard waste can contact Sonny's Solid Waste or the city of Sikeston's compost plant for information on disposal.
