September 16, 2007

I live in small town in Southeast Missouri that was just hit with the highest electric rate in history. Not only did the electric rate go up 38 percent, but we lost our trash service and water and sewer went up. I read with interest on the Internet where our secretaries that work for this city are now making more than the skilled professional administrative assistants in the large metropolitan areas. ...

I live in small town in Southeast Missouri that was just hit with the highest electric rate in history. Not only did the electric rate go up 38 percent, but we lost our trash service and water and sewer went up. I read with interest on the Internet where our secretaries that work for this city are now making more than the skilled professional administrative assistants in the large metropolitan areas. It's so great when the people in rural America can make double the salary of most other people in this area. And I also read with glee where the administrator got himself a great, big raise too. And all this is retroactive back to July, how very nice! We received the biggest electric raise we ever saw in this town, due to the fact that they were broke and our power needed up grading and they didn't have the money. Well, they had the money to give eight or nine people a raise and make it retroactive. I would have read more but I can't afford to stay on my computer anymore because of the electricity. We have to turn our lights off because we can't afford to have our luxuries anymore. We have to set our air conditioners to unbearable temperatures because we can't afford to pay our bill because we are on a fixed income. When these little secretaries are out walking at 5 o'clock in the morning I want them to look at all of these houses of the little old ladies in the community that can't afford to have their electricity on. Look at all the dark houses in this town and know that the money you took from them is paying your big salary. We have to sit in the dark, but boy, I hope you are enjoying your raises. I can't wait until April when the elections come.

I'd like to speak out about the skateboards. The kids need the skateboard park because every time they go on a public place, they are ran off. The kids need a place to skateboard. And the SpeakOut that was in the paper, Shower, shampoo and skating, the kids go to school so you know they get showered. When they are out skateboarding they get hot and sweaty, just like when you are out working, you get hot and sweaty. Saying this skateboard is not needed, they just must not know or have kids or grandkids. This skateboard park is definitely needed for these kids.

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My comment is about the skateboard park. The kids are raising money for the park and people are donating. It's not like the people of Sikeston are out any money on it. It's for the kids, and they are doing their part to raise money. The kids need to be out of the street and have a place of their own to skate. I think the City Council is doing the right thing for these kids. They are our first priority and we need to do something for them to keep them out of trouble.

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I have a comment about the skateboard park. I think this is a positive thing. It will get them out of the streets and give them somewhere to go. Let's give them an activity that they can do outside instead of being in front of a television playing video games.

I have a friend who went down to the Lilbourn office to apply for Medicare. The question I have is what does Medicare have to do with Disability when you go down there? You are applying for Medicare, not a Disability check or anything like that.

I have a major issue with the East Prairie School District. They have got the world's worst playground equipment. There's kids getting splinters, being burnt. Half the time they are not even allowed to play on it. Wasn't there a fundraiser held not too long ago to buy new playground equipment? What happened to the money?
