October 28, 2007

September's Cotton Pickin' Heritage Festival and Saturday's Halloween Family Fun Day were two more successful events in Downtown Sikeston, drawing families to American Legion Park, Malone Park, and our downtown merchants. My thanks go out to Promotion Committee members Lanette Baker, David Friedman, Julie Grant, Harry Howard, Rick Justice, Susie Kenedy, Mike Marsh, Teresa McGill, Kathy Medley, Robin Pace, Don Pratt, Sue Tangeman and Charlette Vanover; Cotton Pickin' and Halloween sponsors Burch Food Services, C&K Lumber, Craftmasters' Kidsmart, Feeders Supply, Movie Time, Pepsi-Cola, Personal Expressions, Sam's Fine Jewelry, Save-A-Lot, Susie's Bake Shop, the Sikeston Area Humane Society, Sikeston Depot Museum, Sikeston Public Library, Standard Democrat, Mike Metzger at U.S. ...

Mandy Pratt, HMDG director

September's Cotton Pickin' Heritage Festival and Saturday's Halloween Family Fun Day were two more successful events in Downtown Sikeston, drawing families to American Legion Park, Malone Park, and our downtown merchants.

My thanks go out to Promotion Committee members Lanette Baker, David Friedman, Julie Grant, Harry Howard, Rick Justice, Susie Kenedy, Mike Marsh, Teresa McGill, Kathy Medley, Robin Pace, Don Pratt, Sue Tangeman and Charlette Vanover; Cotton Pickin' and Halloween sponsors Burch Food Services, C&K Lumber, Craftmasters' Kidsmart, Feeders Supply, Movie Time, Pepsi-Cola, Personal Expressions, Sam's Fine Jewelry, Save-A-Lot, Susie's Bake Shop, the Sikeston Area Humane Society, Sikeston Depot Museum, Sikeston Public Library, Standard Democrat, Mike Metzger at U.S. Foods, and Bizzell Nursery; volunteers Myra Gilliland, Mike Marshall, Nancy McMahon, Sherrie Perry, Marian Pratt and Ann Thompson; and the merchants and organizations who participated in downtown trick-or-treating: Blades, Calbert Photography, Collins Music, Craftmasters' Kidsmart, Falkoff's Men's Shop, Glenda's Bridal & Dress Shop, L'il Peddler Shop, Movie Time, Paul's Christian Book Store, Personal Expressions, Purse 'N' Ality, Sam's Fine Jewelry, the Sikeston Depot Museum, and Sikeston Public Library. These folks are helping make Downtown Sikeston a vibrant, people-filled community once again.

The Christmas ornaments have arrived! If you placed a pre-order, I will be delivering your ornament next week.

These limited edition, numbered ornaments, depicting the Methodist Church columns, will be available for sale at the Sikeston Public Library, Sikeston Depot Museum, Susie's Bake Shop, Bo's Jewelry & Pawn, Falkoff's Men's Shop and Personal Expressions beginning Friday, Nov. 9, and throughout the holiday season. You can also order your ornament by contacting me at 380-3801 or e-mail ampratt@downtownsikeston.org Ornaments are $20, and proceeds benefit Downtown Sikeston.

Enjoy the luminary-filled streets of Downtown Sikeston, take a carriage ride and pick up some early Christmas gifts (along with your ornament) during the Downtown Merchants Holiday Open House on Friday, Nov. 9, from 5 p.m.-9 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 10 .

We in the Historic Midtown Development Group (HMDG) and the city of Sikeston are anxious to dive head first into the Downtown Revitalization and Economic Assistance for Missouri (D.R.E.A.M.) program recently bestowed upon Sikeston. Representatives from D.R.E.A.M. visited our community a few weeks ago to assess our present situation and future needs. They will present the state of Missouri and the city of Sikeston with a Scope of Services contract in the next six to eight weeks, which will outline the benefits we can expect over the next three years.

As with D.R.E.A.M., patience is a virtue when it comes to positive changes within Downtown Sikeston. I am proud to announce that Missouri Highway and Transportation has formally approved HMDG and the city of Sikeston to receive Transportation Enhancement Funds of $233,900 to begin work on a multi-phase project to replace downtown sidewalks and install period lighting, rest areas, landscaping and other beautification.

It will be next year before work begins, but rest assured that the completed project will knock your socks off and make you proud of Downtown Sikeston.

Please be sure to check for regular updates on out our Web site www.downtownsikeston.org . You can also read our monthly newsletter "News from Downtown Sikeston" online. If you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail or regular mail, please contact me by phone at 380-3801, by mail at P.O. Box 385, Sikeston, MO 63801, or you can e-mail me at ampratt@downtownsikeston.org

The Historic Midtown Development Group meets at 8 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month at Susie's Bake Shop. Meetings usually last one hour and are open to the public. We welcome you to join us at our next meeting, Thursday, Nov. 1.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!
