SIKESTON - Members of the Sikeston Christian Church observed the 30th anniversary of the dedication of their present church building last Sunday evening when they enjoyed a buffet dinner in the church basement and the informal program which followed.
SIKESTON - Mrs. E.R. Putnam Jr. entertained friends with an afternoon party Monday.
SIKESTON - The largest single piece of commercial property in downtown Sikeston in the past 35 years was sold over the weekend as Clayton and Associates purchased the South Grade School grounds for an undisclosed sum. The area is 5.1 acres and is located on West Malone and Stoddard streets. According to R.D. Clayton, a large commercial venture will be developed on the site in the near future.
SIKESTON - Sikeston has received a $250,000 Community Development Block Grant to update low income housing in the city, according to Rep. Dennis Ziegenhorn. The grant is being sponsored by the Community of Economic Development is expected to be used for portions of the east side of the city, according to James Finger, planning coordinator.
SIKESTON - Terry Jackson, Swimming Pool Recreational Complex Steering Committee chairman, was the main speaker at the Breakfast with the City. He presented plans for the Civic Center Complex, which would include an enclosed swimming pool and racquetball courts.
SIKESTON - The 4- and 5-year olds in Cindy Martin's Alphabet Soup Preschool recently participated in their graduation program. Among the graduates were Coley DeWitt, Jenni Wrather, Adam Martin, Staria Jacobs, Alex Mejia, Strick Green, Lauren Polk, Ryan Mitchell, Courtney Copeland, Christopher Schultz and Colby Brandon.
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PORTAGEVILLE - Among honors announced during the awards ceremony at Portageville High School in May were: Leasa Kowalski, American history award, algebra I award, band certificate, English I award, Spanish I award, physical science award and freshman academic letter.