February 15, 2006

MINER -- Miner's Board of Aldermen will wait for a legal review by the city's attorney before approving a written agreement with Scott County E-911. The agreement would put in writing the verbal agreement that is already in place by which the dispatching centers take over calls for each other in an emergency situation...

MINER -- Miner's Board of Aldermen will wait for a legal review by the city's attorney before approving a written agreement with Scott County E-911.

The agreement would put in writing the verbal agreement that is already in place by which the dispatching centers take over calls for each other in an emergency situation.

In other business during the Board's regular meeting Tuesday:

* A $500 donation to the SEMO Crime Lab's building fund was approved. This is the last of five annual payments.

* Board members approved paying $500 for the city's yearly dues to the SEMO Drug Task Force.

* A payment of $4,970.27 to Scott County for a Tax Increment Financing reimbursement was approved.

The annual payment is based on 50 percent of any revenue over the base within the TIF district.
