July 5, 2005

Tuesday, the 21st, I came into Morehouse to get gas. A teenager was drawing gas at the same time and then a lady came down and knocked her down to the ground, hitting her head up and down on the blacktop. A customer from the store came running and got the lady off of the teenager and she was hurt pretty bad. Where was the owner of the store at that time and where was the police? I came on to Sikeston and got my gas. I hope the child overcomes what she went through...

Tuesday, the 21st, I came into Morehouse to get gas. A teenager was drawing gas at the same time and then a lady came down and knocked her down to the ground, hitting her head up and down on the blacktop. A customer from the store came running and got the lady off of the teenager and she was hurt pretty bad. Where was the owner of the store at that time and where was the police? I came on to Sikeston and got my gas. I hope the child overcomes what she went through.

I have been a patient in our local hospital many times and would like to contribute something that I think is important. The hospital is an invaluable asset to our community who should realize its importance to our town and the surrounding areas. Hospitals can be a PR nightmare and should not be. I would like to suggest that the nursing profession resume wearing white uniforms and shoes. As a patient it is difficult to tell what department they are from and who is the nurse and who isn't. To give my hospital a more professional look, the nurses in white help do this. Their profession is an admirable one and their dress should indicate how they want to be perceived in the community. Keep up the good work and restore nursing to the status that it should be.

I want to Speakout about the President. I think the President should bring our boys and girls home. Let Iraq take care of their own country. Our president has no compassion for anyone. He is the most useless man on this earth. We need to get him out of office. Those people have no respect or believe anything he has to say. He spends our money like pouring it out of a bucket. We are deeply in debt. Mr. Bush needs to resign. We don't need him anymore. I hope all of you Republicans get your belly full of this. I know I have. I'm sick of him and old Cheney, both.

It has been almost two weeks since I called in with my comment about the bathing beauties in the paper. Is it a conflict of interest for you to make a comment about that that is in your paper? I still think it was kind of tacky to put those pictures in.
