November 14, 2005

Around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, Wal Mart had approximately 24 rotisserie chickens and several six piece chicken meals. When I asked the deli clerk what all the chickens were for, she stated that Wal Mart had started a policy to have the 24 chickens cooked and put out by 4 p.m., even though the deli doesn't sell that many, so this was the reason for all the unsold chicken. ...

Around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, Wal Mart had approximately 24 rotisserie chickens and several six piece chicken meals. When I asked the deli clerk what all the chickens were for, she stated that Wal Mart had started a policy to have the 24 chickens cooked and put out by 4 p.m., even though the deli doesn't sell that many, so this was the reason for all the unsold chicken. I asked if the price was reduced on any of the chicken and she said no and continued that the chicken would be thrown away. She also stated that employees weren't allowed to take home any of the cooked, but unsold food, at closing time. It is an absolute shame that Wal Mart that is blatantly wasteful in this manner. It seems there are many intelligent alternatives for consumption of this food, than just to throw it out. Perhaps our local soup kitchen could use it.

What happened to Rick Jones of KWKZ C-106? Where has he gone and what is he doing?

Rick Jones has left KWKZ and is currently a bus driver for an evangelist.</


I just got through reading Judge lest ye be Judged. I am so glad that he's so up on the Bible. He better read the ten commandments, it says, "Thou shalt not kill." He wouldn't even be here to say that if his mother had aborted him. And another thing, it's a good thing my mother didn't abort me or I wouldn't be here today and I am taking care of her. She would be in a nursing home. When you have an abortion, that is killing an innocent baby. If he don't think that's true, then he needs to check his conscience. When you abort a baby, that is just like shooting someone in cold blood.

I would like to speakout about all the leaves, limbs and etc. burning in Portageville. Is there no ordinance for this? It is unreal. On a decent day, I can't even find my house for all the smoke. I have neighbors on both sides who are obsessed with burning things. Why don't the city administrators do something about this? Other towns do not allow this. If you had a loved one with asthma or allergies, you would know what I am talking about.

I would like to speakout why there are no Wednesday papers delivered in Haywood City. There are papers delivered in Morley, up and down the road on Highway 61, there's even a paper delivered when you turn off Highway 61 on Highway U to that farm right there. Soon as you turn to go in to Haywood City, there are papers right there 'cause I see the papers on the ground. I was just wondering why the people in Haywood City don't get a Wednesday paper? Is there something wrong with the people of Haywood City? We do read, too.

Delivery has been made in the past and the papers weren't being picked up. The situatin has been addressed and delivery will resume.
