Speakout 2/6
I don't think it's right what our Governor Matt Blunt and Representative Jo Ann Emerson is doing giving money to these schools and tax breaks to the millionaires, when our elderly and poor people can't even afford to go to the doctor now. They sure won't get my vote this next time around. A lot of the elderly are having to choose between food or medicine. And these young boys and women who oppose this war, I don't think it's right that they have to go and fight. If they want to go over and defend their country, that's different. And, I don't think it's right that our Governor and President Bush is allowed to tap into our phone lines. That's taking our privacy away from us.
This is to the Portageville fan. I hope your crow was good. The Sikeston Bulldogs are the team that needs to be reckoned with. That is why the Standard Democrat covers them, the Standard Democrat being in Sikeston. Once again, I hope putting your foot in your mouth keeps your lips from flapping just a little bit.
Who is the idiot that says George W. Bush drove drunk for twenty years? He did not. He paid someone to drive him around drunk for twenty years. That's why he is the President and Kennedy is an idiot , much like yourself.
Desperate dilemma
To the person wanting the tape of "Desperate Housewives." I have it, but I can't sell it. That is against the law. I would give it to you, but if you will not put your number in the paper, what makes you think I will?
Crosswalk calamity
The crosswalks in front of the stop signs need to be repainted so that people can see them. It is the law that we should stop in front of them, but if we can't see them, we don't know where to stop.