SIKESTON - Loomis Mayfield Jr. received his discharge from the Armed Service last week at Camp Bowie in Texas and from there he went to Houston, Texas, for a brief visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Galeneer.
SIKESTON - The annual meeting of the Federal Land Bank Association will be held Thursday at the American Legion Building with Wendell Choate, Charleston farmer and businessman, as principal speaker.
SIKESTON - Two employees of Shuffits Nursing Home were honored for placing in the Big Turkey contest Tuesday. Andee Schrader, assistant administrator, was runner-up and received a roasting hen for Thanksgiving. Nurses aide Susie Tidwell won a 12-pound turkey. Residents chose their Big Turkey winner by donating a penny a vote. The nursing home raised $54 in contest money, which will be used for nursing home projects.
CHARLESTON - An intense investigation is in full force in Mississippi County as authorities continue the search for four men who escaped early Tuesday morning from the Mississippi County Jail. Sheriff Larry Turley reported a team of experts has been assembled to assist him and his deputies as they pursue the numerous leads received.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Drivers, mark your calendars. On Dec. 8 the 55-mph speed limit is history. President Clinton signed the National Highway System bill on Tuesday, which ends federal speed limit and motorcycle helmet laws.
SIKESTON - Once again the Sikeston Public Library will host Fine Free Weeks. Although there will be no monetary fines Friday through Dec. 14, the library is collecting a "fine" of one canned food item per book, which will be donated to the Standard-Democrat's annual Community Christmas Campaign.