October 1, 2007

I would like to place a comment about Bush in the Bible. The person who put this in there, I just wanted to say I am praying for you. It is wrong to talk bad about people. President Bush is trying to do good for this country. I think everybody should know that...

~Call 471-6636

I would like to place a comment about Bush in the Bible. The person who put this in there, I just wanted to say I am praying for you. It is wrong to talk bad about people. President Bush is trying to do good for this country. I think everybody should know that.

Because of the big cut in Medicare, Mr. Blunt has increased the enrollment at SEMO. You sure made a hardship on the elderly by doing this. They who worked so faithfully all their lives. All he thinks about is education and these kids that have never worked a day in their life and have always had everything handed to them since birth. These students after college go into areas of work and think they know it all because they got a free ride to education because of him.

This is to the social worker in Make a difference. For the first part, you get paid for working with the low income families or you probably wouldn't do it if you weren't getting paid. Also, I have the right to complain because it takes me and my husband both working to make a living to pay taxes to take care of these people who don't want to work. And for all these so called job fairs and work programs for people who aren't serious about working anyway. When you work 40 plus hours a week and you have a family to take care of, you don't have a lot of time left. There are jobs out there everywhere. People just don't want to work. And they're not going to as long as they have food stamps, welfare and free medical care.

I lost a gray cellphone out at the Sports Complex on Sept. 20. If anyone finds it, will you please take it to the police department? They know who it belongs to because I've called them. I would appreciate it if you would return my phone if you have it or found it.

Why is it that SpeakOut only prints comments that are against gays? Although you allow advertisers to pay to maliciously slam a person's choice in life, print comments declaring gay is a choice, in which God has no voice, etc. You choose not to print any of the comments opposing such ludicrous and immoral statements. What happened to the first amendment, Mike?

Still alive, still here.

In the word

To the person who stated God doesn't have anything to do with a person being gay. Are you kidding me? How can you declare yourself a Christian, when you believe God doesn't have control of all things? And if you actually believe in God's word, all of them, I think you will find that it states it is a sin for us to judge others. Is a sinner better then being gay on judgment day?
