December 5, 2005

SIKESTON - Supt. and Mrs. Tharon E. Stallings entertained members of the school faculty and their wives with a dinner at the Home Economics Cottage last Saturday. CHARLESTON - The Molly French Garden Club will again sponsor its annual Christmas lighting contest, and urges residents to begin working on their outdoor lighting theme...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Supt. and Mrs. Tharon E. Stallings entertained members of the school faculty and their wives with a dinner at the Home Economics Cottage last Saturday.

40 years ago

CHARLESTON - The Molly French Garden Club will again sponsor its annual Christmas lighting contest, and urges residents to begin working on their outdoor lighting theme.


SIKESTON - Weber Gilmore makes his stage debut in Sikeston Little Theater's "A Thousand Clowns." He plays the character role of Arnold Burns. Mr. Gilmore convincingly portrays a conforming stereotype of a New York businessman.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Filing for seven city positions in New Madrid opens today. A filing period of today through 5 p.m. Jan. 28 at City Hall was set Monday evening by the New Madrid City Council. The two-year term of Council Members Bob Pulliam, Ken Cope and Barbara Jones are expiring. Also, the terms of Mayor Dick Phillips, City Collector Sam Bodine, Police Judge Bill Boyd and Police Chief Jim Helms, who has filed for re-election, will be open.


SIKESTON - Last Friday, at 5:59 a.m. Sherri Barbre, wife of James Barbre of New Madrid, gave birth to a baby boy, marking the 700th birth at Missouri Delta Community Hospital. The hospital staff congratulated her with long stemmed roses and a baby book.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - City council members have signed an agreement with Union Electric giving them access to the Southwestern Power Administration situation. The council gave the new mayor authority to sign the agreement that will extend easement west from the Power Plant to Brown Spur Road.


NEW MADRID - The city council approved a 10 percent reduction in electrical rates for residential customers during the billing period which includes the Christmas holiday.
