February 14, 2008

I'm calling about the family that hosted the underage party in the paper. If someone had lived in the west end of town, they would have gotten in serious, serious trouble. Everybody knows that including the Standard Democrat and Jensen. They are his friends and acquaintances. ...

~Call 471-6636

I'm calling about the family that hosted the underage party in the paper. If someone had lived in the west end of town, they would have gotten in serious, serious trouble. Everybody knows that including the Standard Democrat and Jensen. They are his friends and acquaintances. We're just lucky it got in the paper. Apparently it had to be put in there. If someone else's children had a party with liquor, they would have lost everything they had. Everybody would have sued them. And so would the ones who had the party if their child had been at one with alcohol. They should have gotten much, much more publicity on this. Just goes to show that Sikeston is still prejudiced. It's the name that counts.

The Friday morning of the snow, there was this road that had been plowed but not treated for ice. I just happened to notice that one section of this street had been treated and was clear of ice and snow and it just happened to run in front of a city employee's house. I guess they're running short of salt. What I was driving on sure could have used a little.

For all you people who have bad-mouthed ethanol in SpeakOut, the Sikeston ethanol plant will not be built and you have won. You've also won because ethanol blends have cleaned up smog in cities better than anyone had predicted. You've also won because 10-30 percent blends of ethanol have given better fuel economy compared to regular gas. Everyone thought that ethanol would hurt fuel economy, but it actually helped. You've also won because ethanol blends are holding down the price of gas. Just a few years ago, diesel was always 20 cents cheaper than gas, now with ethanol blends, gas is 30 cents cheaper than diesel. You won.

I was calling about the arrests on the front page of the paper. The person wants to go on how the blacks are always prominently displayed on the front page. Well, whether you are black, white, Hispanic, yellow or purple, as long as you keep your nose clean you don't have to worry about being on the front page and you won't have any kind of bond. Whether you are a small level crack dealer or a veterinarian or a doctor, if you keep your nose clean you won't have to worry about it coming out in the paper.

This is in response to the person who is 42 years old and is on Social Security and trying to figure out how it all added up. I was just wondering how someone could be 42 years old and only have enough paid in to get $950 a month benefits? I'm 10 years younger than that and have twice that much in mine. Also, it didn't have anywhere in there who was paying the hospital bills.

I just want to speak out about the area school administrators for canceling ball games too early on these snowy days. I wish they would make the decision a little later in the day on canceling the ball games. Half the ball games were canceled and there was absolutely no snow on the roads anywhere. I think it's ridiculous.

I just saw on the news, the gas company made $44.6 billion profit in the last three months. Should that tell us something? They don't want to get past $2.50. They are using us. They are making fun of us. We need to start screaming to our Congress and tell them to do something.

Obama is smarter than Clinton? Ha, what a laugh.

Would someone know what happened to Hannah Storm on the CBS Early Morning Show? Me and my family really enjoyed watching her.

According to the official network statement, Storm is "in discussions" with CBS News president Sean McManus about a "new role" at the division. But details were scant, including when her last day would be and what specifically her new role will be. Storm's departure comes on the heels of defections on the production side of Early Show. According to sources at CBS News, at least some of those defections can be chalked up to personality clashes with new senior executive producer Shelley Ross, who was hired in September to help relaunch the third-place morning show.
