SIKESTON - Temperatures in Sikeston varied in the past few days but were mostly on the warm side. Maximum temperatures ran up to 76, while the low was down to 54.
SIKESTON - Residents in the Sikeston area will have an opportunity to zip code their mailing lists during October, acting Postmaster Ewart S. Taylor announced today.
SIKESTON - More than $1,2000 was contributed to the Missouri Delta Community Hospital building fund drive by the school board and the Lions Club.
20 years ago
Sept. 26, 1986
SIKESTON - Winners of the Optimist Club Kiddie Fun Run on Saturday were Steve Drake, Scottie Keefer and Ed Felker, first, second and third places respectively. Amon Ring won 10 kilometers in 45 minutes, 56 seconds and Carter Long ran 5 kilometers in 17:47 to win races Saturday in the Cotton Classic Fun Run.
SIKESTON - Lifelong Sikeston resident Ed Culbertson is the 1996 parade marshal for the 52nd annual Cotton Carnival Parade. Culbertson is a long time member of the Sikeston American Legion Post 114.
NEW MADRID - Thousands of Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. customers in parts of three counties - Pemiscot, Dunklin and New Madrid - were without telephone service for four hours Wednesday morning. A half-dozen prefixes at Caruthersville, Hayti, Kennett, Malden, Wardell, Deering and Braggadocio were out of order from about 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. "We had a computer software malfunction," said Jackie Himmelberg of Southwestern Bell Telephone's St. Louis office. "A switch was down affecting service over a wide southeast Missouri area. Cellular telephones were dispatched to a number of fire departments, law enforcement agencies and hospitals throughout the area."