SIKESTON - Buddy Modersbach celebrated his 12th birthday Saturday afternoon with a party. Those present were: Lindsay Boyce, Trudy Carter, Carol Jean Bowman, Jo Ann Goetz, Marilyn Grant, Billy Armstrong, Harry Blanton, Joe Berthe, Bobby Suchman, Tommy Kendig, Tony Heckemeyer and Leo Fisher.
SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hayes of Sikeston are the parents of a daughter born Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Coy McDowell of Sikeston are the parents of a daughter born Feb. 21.
SIKESTON - Dick Caskey, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Caskey, will direct the musical "Oklahoma," Sikeston Little Theatre's final production of the season.
SIKESTON - Approximately 425 Girl Scouts from the Six Star Neighborhood launched balloons marked with the phrase, "Say No to Drugs" Saturday morning. The balloon launch was held at the Tanner Street Church of God after a morning-long workshop for the Scouts concerning the harmful effects of drugs on the body.
SIKESTON - The Sikeston Department of Public Safety along with the Missouri State Highway Patrol, responded at 11 a.m. Saturday to a hazardous material spill at the on ramp to Highway 60 East. The highway was closed to traffic.
SIKESTON - Jonathan Cartner and Stuart Carraway, members of Sikeston Boy Scout Troop 41, completed their board of review for the designation of Eagle Scout. They were honored at the Regional Court of Honor Feb. 15, an event which was hosted by Southeast Missouri State University.