SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Harwell moved to Poplar Bluff Friday, where the former is the manager of the new Harwell Auto Parts store.
SIKESTON - A train engine traveling east on the Cotton Oil Mill railroad spur struck an automobile at the Cotton Oil Mill crossing from East Malone Avenue near Barkett's Supermarket at 1 p.m. today.
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SIKESTON - Firemen were called at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday to extinguish a fire in a lot at 1604 Matthews, behind the Imperial Bowling Lanes. There was no damage and the cause was undetermined.
SIKESTON - Missouri's senior Senator John Danforth on a swing through Southeast Missouri stopped in New Madrid Saturday morning to meet with area residents. Filling in the New Madrid City Council room, area residents questioned Danforth about the freeze on military pay, the farm bill, the new tax bill and other federal proposals.
SIKESTON - Missouri Tourism Director Chris Jennings praised local cooperation in tourism efforts during his keynote speech at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Thursday. Also during the meeting, Sikeston's first professional golf tournament was announced. The National Golfers Association/Hooters Golf Tour will stop at the Bootheel Golf Club the week of Sept. 22.
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CHARLESTON - Mississippi County Commissioners put to rest an issue concerning segregation in the county maintained cemetery. The Rev. Steve Betts met with commissioners at the Thursday meeting to air grievances that he believes the Oak Grove Cemetery is segregated and has been since it was established. "The county does not make the choice of where a plot is dug. That is up to the caretaker and I assumed the family had a choice when they purchased the gravesite," said county Clerk Junior Delay. Commissioners agreed to speak with the cemetery caretaker.