I'm speaking about the unsatisfied customer that was in the SpeakOut. I just want to know why the Standard-Democrat left Wal-Mart's name out? Were they scared or what?
Apparently not!
I thought this was a newspaper. I have called two times about people who can't speak English buying food with a debit card and stuff like that. I want to know why you haven't printed that in the SpeakOut column? If you don't believe that's true, just send a reporter over there to Stan's and Market Place and stand there and they will probably see 10 or 15 people that cannot speak English using a debit card. And I just want to know how these people that are not citizens of the United States get food stamps. I have even been in the emergency room and seen them with a Medicaid card and they can barely speak enough English for the receptionist to write down what is wrong with them. We're worrying about more people that are not even U.S. citizens than our own selves. Senior citizens can barely afford gas prices. Our government is making a killing. It's price gouging. We know what's going on. Be a man and put this in SpeakOut.
We have once again!
I've been noticing in the paper all these wrecks. People getting mangled, killed and run over. People running red lights. They're not slowing down. The higher gas goes, the faster they drive. Remember folks, speed kills. Slow down and live.
Did the Cardinals lose the World Series this weekend or did they win they World Series last year? I don't know what's wrong with the Standard-
Democrat sports writers, I think they are about a year late. I think the St. Louis Cardinals really won the World Series last year.
That ole gal Pelosi and her bunch got in and they are the majority now. They was a b*&%$*g about the gas prices before, but now they don't say a thing about it. All she wants is plenty of fuel on that plane she flies from Washington to California every week. She just like the rest of them. They get all the fuel they need and let the poor worry about it. We done got too many vehicles and fuel devices they can't make enough fuel now to keep them going. It's $7 a gallon in Germany and France. It's finally reached here and ain't no Democrat gonna help it. Just make it worse.
Regarding the Class of 1967 Reunion, it will be held Sept. 7-8. Any questions call, 471-3745.