May 27, 2007

SIKESTON - The Sikeston swimming pool will open June 1 under the new management of Bill Baker and Tally Malcolm. CHARLESTON - A fire this morning at John's Drive-In, the corner of Marshall and Main streets, destroyed most of the interior when grease in the kitchen caught fire. The flames spread quickly when a bottle of oxygen exploded...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - The Sikeston swimming pool will open June 1 under the new management of Bill Baker and Tally Malcolm.

40 years ago

CHARLESTON - A fire this morning at John's Drive-In, the corner of Marshall and Main streets, destroyed most of the interior when grease in the kitchen caught fire. The flames spread quickly when a bottle of oxygen exploded.

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SIKESTON - Two Sikeston youths inflated 25 balloons with natural gas when a leak developed in the vent at the Hester Bryant residence last Sunday. The pair wrote their names and where they live on the balloons and let them fly away. One of the balloons was returned last Tuesday when found in a cotton field in Lake City, Ark.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Two new names were placed on the Athletics Honors Board located at the Sikeston Sports Complex during a ceremony Wednesday morning. Each year, two citizens are honored for outstanding efforts in promoting athletics and recreation. Names are submitted by the city via nominations from the community. This year the name of the late Robert W. "Buzz" Sitzes and the Rev. Forrest Robinson were placed on the board.

10 years ago

BENTON - During the Kelly-Benton FFA Chapter's annual Parent-Member Banquet, two outstanding chapter members were honored. Brian Heuring and Jarrett Seiler were each presented a plaque from Jim Gosche of First Financial Bank of Oran. Doug Felter was named the Star Chapter Farmer for the Chapter and Charles Hedge was honored as the Star Greenhand.


SIKESTON - Chris Cota went the distance for Kiwanis in a pitcher's duel, striking out 15 and allowing only three hits, to lead his team to a 2-1 victory over the Jaycees. Cota was opposed by Jaycees starter Nathan Eaves, who struck out eight, while walking only one, and surrendering four hits.
