EAST PRAIRIE -- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter Oliver have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lou Shelby Oliver, to Joshua Douglas Underwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Underwood Jr. of Portageville.
A graduate of Murray State University where she received a B.S. degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, the future bride is also a recent graduate from the Dietetic Internship Program at Murray State University. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Dearmont Oliver of Charleston and the late Dearmont Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Felts Sr.
The prospective bridegroom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Underwood Sr. of Portageville and the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richardson Jr. He is a graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a B.B.A. in general business administration and marketing. He is also a recent graduate of Mississippi College School of Law where he received his juris doctorate.
The couple will be married Aug. 11 at Nelson Memorial United Methodist Church in East Prairie.