February 4, 2007

NEW MADRID - The New Madrid Chamber of Commerce will host its Annual Awards Banquet Feb. 24 at Rebecca Sharp's Catering in New Madrid. The annual banquet honors individuals and businesses which have gone above and beyond expectations to make a difference in the community, according to Margaret Palmer, executive director...

NEW MADRID - The New Madrid Chamber of Commerce will host its Annual Awards Banquet Feb. 24 at Rebecca Sharp's Catering in New Madrid.

The annual banquet honors individuals and businesses which have gone above and beyond expectations to make a difference in the community, according to Margaret Palmer, executive director.

This year there will be three awards given.

The Business of the Year award will go to a business which takes an active part in the community, strives to improve, has the desire to excel and has an excellent performance record. The Community Service Award will go to one or more individuals who have contributed their time generously to help the community and the Lifetime Achievement Award goes to an individual for a lifetime of going out of his or her way to give to the community.

The evening begins at 6 p.m. with a social time. Dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. followed by the awards ceremony.

Reservations can be made by calling the Chamber at 748-5300 or by e-mail at chambernm@yahoo.com.
