I'm calling about the article in the SpeakOut about The naked truth. I agree 500 percent. I don't go to the movies because I don't want to hear the foul language or see the nudity. And I do resent it being in my newspaper that I pay for. I think no one in their right mind would be interested in what these movie stars are doing. Most of them unfortunately are drug addicts and alcoholics and pornographers and everything else. I would appreciate it very much if we could have something done about this and not have this junk in our paper for our children to see.
I was just reading in the paper where they were talking about how good the Wizard of Oz play was. I sure wish they would show a couple of more nights performances. I called about two weeks or so before the performances began and they were already sold out. I would really love to take my children to see it. I'm sure there are several other people who missed being able to see it. Come on guys, add another night or two to your performance.
I am a parent of a student at the Sikeston Junior High School. A student that is trying to get a decent education. As a parent, I just don't understand why fighting can be allowed. It seems to be a common occurrence. My daughter comes home every week talking about another couple of fights in her classroom that actually even put her in danger, not to mention the teacher. Can't this be stopped? There seems to be no punishment to fit the crime or to do justice to or dedicated teachers who are trying to educate the students. And also this leadership they talk so much about, building new buildings, making big new gymnasiums, spending thousands of dollars on an outdoor track, all of this is worthless unless we teach our children values. Fighting is not the way to get things accomplished. Fighting is not the way we should teach our children to lead their lives. Is the administration afraid to stand up and do what is right? We just ask for an answer. We think we deserve this much.
Scott County Emergency 911 mapping is a mess. I've yet to figure out how Scott County emergency personnel locate a house or business. The addresses in Scott County have no rhyme or reason to them. You should be able to point out on a map the address you're looking for. Please fix our mapping so I don't have to hear emergency personnel constantly asking for directions. Maybe they can look at another county's map that is organized for a template. I'm just concerned for my county and their safety. Signed, A concerned citizen
This is in response to They are true dogs and also Red, white and blue. Once again the Notre Dame fans showed their arrogance by calling down in the Sikeston paper and rubbing it in after a lucky shot was made. And that was the only way they could have beat us in the district championship game, was a lucky shot, by an unlikely person. They did win. Good luck to them coming up but it took luck for them to beat us. As for the Portageville fan, one thing I can say is at least we made it to the championship game.
I'm calling about the letter in Sunday's paper from Bill Ferrell. That just goes to show there is two sides to every story. I hope everything works out for him.