WICKLIFFE, Ky. - Jimmy Dale Heath Sr., 73, formerly of the Dogwood Community near East Prairie, Mo., died at 5:25 p.m. Oct. 3 ,2006, at the East Prairie Nursing Center in East Prairie.
Born Dec. 29, 1932, in Dogwood, son of the late Lewey and Ora Mae Sullivan Heath, he was a retired cattle farmer and buyer and for the past six years had lived in Wickliffe. He was a member of the Dogwood Methodist Church and a U.S. Army veteran having served during the Korean War.
Survivors include: one son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Jimmy D. and Betty Heath Jr. of East Prairie; one daughter and son-in-law, Pam and Hall McNeil of Knoxville, Tenn.; and three grandsons, Brandon and Lori Heath of Cordova, Tenn., Blake Heath and fiancee Tonia Nelson of Kansas City and David Heath of Knoxville.
Services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Dogwood Cemetery with Woody Morgan officiating.
Shelby Funeral Home of East Prairie is in charge of arrangements.
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Memorial contributions may be made to:
Dogwood Methodist Church in care of Margie Arington 1499 S. Highway B East Prairie, MO 63845.