Wow! Thank you to everyone who helped the Historic Midtown Development Group make Sikeston in Bloom a success on April 28 -- volunteers, vendors, and attendees!
We had the most beautiful day, great music by the Bluegrass Revival and Josh Monroe, and a great crowd. Downtown business boomed and the Depot had a steady flow of visitors (many who had never even been there before).
The Sikeston Area Humane Society gave away some fabulous cakes -- did you win one? We had several canine visitors in the park, too, including Kassie, Jake and Dixie -- our pet talent contest winners.
The Sikeston Public Library offered great children's activities -- the flowers my nephew planted at the library's tent are really growing. I hope you were able to come and enjoy Downtown Sikeston that day, but if not, don't worry there will be other opportunities.
If you missed it, pictures from that day are on our Web site --
I think it's safe to say that Sikeston in Bloom will become an annual event.
So, what's next?
Summer is just around the corner and the Historic Midtown Development Group will help kick-off the warm weather with an ice cream social and musical entertainment from some of Sikeston's best on Saturday, June 23, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the newly renovated (and almost complete) Malone Park band shell. For more information, please check our Web site regularly -- -- or call me at 380-3801.
Take a look around. Things are happening in Downtown Sikeston! Buildings are being rehabilitated, businesses are moving in. Though we can't meet our goals overnight, or even in one year, we can make steady progress with continued support from our members, partners and the community.