Speakout 11/5
Can someone please tell me the phone number of Missouri Soil Conservation Office? So many people have called my number in the last six months. I have gotten calls and told they were given my number to call. I cannot find this place in the phone book.
The telephone number for the Soil Conservation Department in Jefferson City is 573-761-3056.
I would like to speak out about the code enforcement. Can you tell me why on the east side of town they are buckling down so hard on us to get just a little bit of trash out of our yard, but on the west side of town, it's really trashy I've noticed, and it's been there for a long time and no one is doing anything to that, how come? I'd appreciate it if you would put this in Wednesday or Sunday's paper, because I really need to know an answer.
Believe me, the "crackdown" is city wide and not isolated to your part of town.
Driving While Talking
I was calling because I had a question. I want to know is it illegal to drive while you are talking on the cell phone? Okay, second, if it is illegal, why is it firemen and police officers are talking on their cell phones while they are driving? That's all I needed to know.
Finally, I have someone sending me more mail than the credit card companies. I used to average about two pieces of mail a week from them, now I'm averaging about one a day from politicians.
That will end soon!