August 4, 2006

CHARLESTON -- Mississippi County officials are concerned about some outstanding bills related to jail inmates owed by Scott County. During the regular County Commission meeting Thursday, Mississippi County Treasurer Sandra Smoot DeField advised commissioners of $16,706.72 in outstanding bills sent to Scott County...

CHARLESTON -- Mississippi County officials are concerned about some outstanding bills related to jail inmates owed by Scott County.

During the regular County Commission meeting Thursday, Mississippi County Treasurer Sandra Smoot DeField advised commissioners of $16,706.72 in outstanding bills sent to Scott County.

DeField said bills totaling $10,005.65 were sent in May followed by bills totaling $1,354.34 in June and $5,346.73 in July.

Included are medical and dental bills, jury costs and fees, and some boarding costs for prisoners.

"I guess they're all change of venues," she said.

If a prisoner held by the county is not sent to the Missouri Department of Corrections, DOC will not reimburse the county for boarding costs. "They send what expenses they can to the state," DeField said.

She said about $6,000 is boarding costs, $3,000 is jury costs and the rest is from medical bills.

"Most are medical related," DeField said. "They're not all hospital bills. Some of them are drug bills."

Commissioner Jim Blumenberg called Scott County officials during the meeting to ask about the bills.

Blumenberg said the Scott County official he spoke with acknowledged they owe the $9,000 for jury and boarding costs but wanted Mississippi County officials to bring prisoners to the Scott County Jail for medical treatment as Scott County has a contract for medical services.

"They're trying to figure out the medical costs," Blumenberg said.

DeField suggested if Scott County officials want their change-of-venue inmates to get medical care under their own contract, they should keep them at the Scott County Jail and bring them over just before the trial.
