September 12, 2006

SIKESTON - Prep work for resurfacing improvements have started along Malone Avenue (Route 62) from Interstate 55 to Main Street with resurfacing to have gotten under way Monday evening, weather permitting. Only one lane will be closed at a time while the new asphalt is placed over the existing pavement. Flagging personnel will be stationed in the work zone to help direct traffic...

SIKESTON - Prep work for resurfacing improvements have started along Malone Avenue (Route 62) from Interstate 55 to Main Street with resurfacing to have gotten under way Monday evening, weather permitting.

Only one lane will be closed at a time while the new asphalt is placed over the existing pavement. Flagging personnel will be stationed in the work zone to help direct traffic.

Work is expected to take place from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. through Friday.

"The work is scheduled at night along this heavily traveled section of roadway to minimize driver inconvenience," says Resident Engineer Bob Wilson. "If the weather cooperates, we anticipate the contractor completing this project by the end of the week."

Motorists are urged to use extreme caution near the work zone. This improvement project is funded by the voter passage of Amendment 3 in 2004.
