October 6, 2006

CAPE GIRARDEAU - The American Red Cross is continuing to serve New Madrid and Dunklin Counties even though the feeding site closed Sunday. American Red Cross volunteers went into the field on Sept. 23 and met the immediate needs of those affected by the major flooding caused by the torrential rains in New Madrid and Dunklin counties...

CAPE GIRARDEAU - The American Red Cross is continuing to serve New Madrid and Dunklin Counties even though the feeding site closed Sunday.

American Red Cross volunteers went into the field on Sept. 23 and met the immediate needs of those affected by the major flooding caused by the torrential rains in New Madrid and Dunklin counties.

Red Cross client assistance caseworkers met with families to ensure that all immediate emergency needs of food, shelter, clothing, and medication were provided for. Caseworkers also provided the assistance necessary for each family to begin their road to recovery. This assistance enables families to meet their basic needs of food and sheltering.

The shelter closed on Sept. 30 and the mobile and fixed feeding site closed Oct. 1. However, anyone needing assistance is urged to go to the Red Cross Service Center at City Hall in Lilbourn or contact the American Red Cross Southeast Missouri Chapter at (888) 335-9471.
